About us

The reason we're here...

We're rapidly growing a community around busy women who want
to look their best, feel their best, and above all, be happy in their own skin. 

“At JusteELLE, we strive to help women overcome the daily challenges they face, through our innovative products and cutting-edge technology, supporting them every step of the way”
- Dalia Elgendi | Co Founder @ JusteELLE

Why JusteELLE?

We believe that every woman has the potential to live her best life. At JusteElle, we strive for excellence in everything we do, from creating innovative products with
cutting-edge technology to supporting you every step of the way.


Our Guarantee:
All our products come with a 15-day Risk-Free Return with a customer service team
that guarantees a quick response to any question you may have within business

The Best Community for Women

I always feel understood and cared for when I shop at JusteElle. Luv everything that they stand for!

- Demi M.